Adria A. Elskus
Adria Elskus is a Fishery Research Biologist/Toxicologist, USGS, Maine Field Office of the S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research
Laboratory; an Assoc. Professor, Biological Sciences, Cooperating Assoc. Professor., School of Marine Sciences, University of
Maine, Orono, ME; an Adjunct Professor of Aquatic Toxicology in the TH Morgan School of Biological Sciences and an Adjunct Professor
of the Graduate School of Toxicology, both at the University of Kentucky. Her scientific background is broad, covering biological,
ecological, and chemical aspects of toxicology. She has worked with a variety of organisms (fish, crustaceans, molluscs) in an
assortment of areas (behavior, biochemistry, endocrinology). As a board member of The Lobster Conservancy, she brings over 20
years of scientific experience and a strong interest in coastal pollution issues.