Sustaining a thriving lobster fishery through science and community.
Ask Lobster Doc
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The 'Ask the Lobster Doc' column runs monthly in
Commercial Fisheries News
Care tips for egg-bearing females
Care in taking lobsters from traps
Removing lobsters from traps
Handling tips for shedder season
Lobster shedding in a nutshell
Inseminated female Lobsters
Banding lobster claws
Soft spots on hard-shed lobsters
Shipping live lobsters
A lobster of a different color
Storing live lobsters
Potential hazards in holding tanks
Long Island lobster deaths
The mystery of lobster vibrations
Hauling lobsters from the deep
Migration: What we know
Lobsters follow their noses
Why are eggs turning orange?
Lobster claw abnormalities
Male/female lobsters odd, rare
Canada lobsters take a beating
Molting and egg production
Juvenile lobster abundance
Runoff threatens nursery areas
Part 1: The Scientific Method
Part 2: Fisheries data collection
Crusher, seizer lobster claws
Food consumption: Claws to gut
Female lobsters of Grand Manan
Part I: Lobster mating trials
Part II: More males than females
Lobsters and Insecticides
Smell and lobster reproduction
Lobster molting: Signs, factors
Shedders need special care
Bacteria at work in shell disease
Monitoring juvenile lobsters
Broodstock lobster migrations
Female lobsters: Size matters
Lobster size and mating
Achieving a healthy size/age structure
Monitoring finds record juveniles
Maine lobster landings by county
Lobster landings and fishing pressure
Lobsters and temperature
Lobster minimum size
©2003 The Lobster Conservancy.
How to contact us.